

1 flacon × 50 ml par paquet


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Pillox Lipolytic

Pillox est une solution lipolytique injectable pour la correction du contour du visage et du corps de la société sud-coréenne Humedix Co., Ltd. Humedix Co., Ltd. Depuis 2010, l'entreprise fabrique également des dispositifs médicaux et divers produits de cosmétologie, y compris des produits de comblement dermique à base d'AH.

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Pillox is a hyaluronic acid-based filler for body contouring and volumization. With aging, the level of HA in the skin gradually decreases, which leads to the loss of the body skin elasticity and skin thinning. Pillox can replenish the lost volumes in various body parts. The product has a high HA cross-linking degree, high gel density, and low sensitivity to hyaluronidase for achieving long-term aesthetic results.

Strengths of Pillox:

  • sterile and high-purity product: endotoxin level is below 0.01 EU/ml; residual BDDE is below the detection limit; heavy metal level is lower than 10 ppm

  • completely biocompatible (non-immunogenic, non-inflammatory, and non-toxic) product

  • the filler completely and naturally degrades with time

  • hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin

  • can be used as an additional treatment for enhancing the results of liposuction or injection lipolysis

  • natural-looking volumization effect

  • the product stimulates proliferation of fibroblasts and production of endogenous collagen

Pillox is ideal for body contouring and volumization. The filler is used for deep and ultra-deep injection (subcutaneous and supraperiosteal augmentation).


Scope of Pillox:

  • volumization of body parts (breasts, hips, thighs, calves, and hands)

  • body contouring (breasts, hips, thighs)

  • biorevitalization and deep skin hydration

The aesthetic effect lasts up to 18 months.

Product composition: Water, Sodium hyaluronate


1 vial × 50 ml

Manufacturer: South Korea

The product has contraindications. We are not responsible for any negative effects that you may encounter after administering products by yourself. Consulting a doctor or medical professional is recommended prior to any procedure.

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